Commit to Your Next Step

Career decisions are big decisions—ones worth thinking carefully about.  That’s why a lot of our top advice focuses on tools to help you plan and strategize your career to help the world.  But let’s be honest.  It’s much easier to think about your career in the abstract than to take … Read more

Find Areas Where You Can Make a Big Difference

There are a lot of important problems worth tackling, but with just one career (and thus, limited time and effort) you can’t help every cause at once. So how do you decide what to work on? It’s natural to focus on a cause that you feel a personal connection to. … Read more

Take Your Future Impact Into Account

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  It’s a common interview question, usually answered with a polite but vague response that aligns with whatever job you’re applying for. But if you really think about it, do you have an idea of what your career will look like in 5 … Read more

Ask Yourself What Would Happen if You Didn’t Do This Work

When reflecting on pivotal moments in your past, it’s natural to spend some time thinking about the what if’s… What if I had moved to a different city instead of staying put? Would I be happier? What might have happened if I studied something different? How would my life look … Read more

Approach Your Career Decisions Strategically

If you’re going to buy a new car, you probably won’t just walk into a showroom and pick the first car that stands out. More likely, you’ll do some research: reading online forums, comparing models and features, finding something that checks all your boxes. Sure, it’s more effort, but you’ll … Read more

Take a Scale-Sensitive Approach to Helping Others

Forty years ago, scientists estimated there were 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Upon hearing this, you might think, wow, that’s a lot of galaxies. Today, some scientists estimate this number is actually closer to 2 trillion. Yet upon hearing this massive increase in estimates, you might have about … Read more

Don’t Underestimate Your Ability to Make a Big Impact

A lot of people who want to make a difference fall into a common conundrum: wanting to help but not knowing how.  It’s understandable to feel disheartened by everything that’s wrong with the world, especially when so many of our problems are global in scale (from widespread disease, to climate … Read more

Aid Policy & Advocacy

What is international aid? Aid is assistance provided by high-income countries to support the development of lower-income countries. This is achieved through providing funding, technical expertise, and other resources to enable programs in health, education, infrastructure, gender equality, climate change, and other areas. Aid is either given bilaterally from one … Read more

Communications: A Guide to High-Impact Careers

Work in communications can play a critical role in an organization’s success – if it’s done well. Through activities like growing brand awareness, raising funds, attracting customers, and persuading decision-makers, communications professionals can amplify the work done by the rest of the organization. Because of this, a career in communications … Read more